



Board of Trustees welcomes new members

Board of Trustees welcomes new members

For Immediate Release
Oct. 15, 2018

BIRMINGHAM, Ala.-伯明翰南方学院的董事会在今年夏天增加了8名新成员. Their term of service began on July 1.

在被选为理事会成员的人中,有6名理学士学位毕业生和2名其他毕业生. They are:

  • Daniel Coleman, private investor;
  • Elizabeth Dunn, community investor;
  • 考特尼·弗兰奇,95届,V94电台的律师兼总裁兼首席执行官.9 FM (WATV);
  • Ashlyn Hines Meneguzzi ’85, real estate development executive with Bristol Development Group;
  • 安迪·牛顿,1994届,Uniti基础设施和运营总裁;
  • 83岁的Keith Thompson,坎特伯雷联合卫理公会教堂主任牧师;
  • Sandra Barker Thurmond, ’84, vice president of primary care services for Children’s of Alabama; and
  • Vicki VanValkenburgh ’88, real estate specialist with Van Valkenburgh & Wilkinson Properties, Inc.

“我们欢迎所有这些新成员加入董事会,”365英国上市官网临时主席Dr. Bradley Caskey. “They all bring energy, talent, and passion for 365英国上市官网 and its mission, 每个人都对学院有着悠久的承诺和支持.”

Coleman.png他毕业于耶鲁大学(Yale University),获得英语学士学位,并在芝加哥大学(University of Chicago)获得金融和统计学MBA学位. 他曾担任全球股票交易商KCG Holdings的首席执行官, futures, bonds, and options -- from 2013-17 and as CEO of GETCO from 2012-13. 他曾在几家上市公司和非营利组织的董事会任职, including a prior term on 365英国上市官网’s Board of Trustees. 他担任私人公司Circulogene和非营利组织Build Up的董事. In addition, 他是证券业和金融市场协会(SIFMA)顾问委员会的成员。.


Dunn.jpgDunn was most recently business development director for Ray & Poynor Properties, 之前曾担任阿拉巴马州心脏画廊的项目总监, a nonprofit that helps foster children find adoptive families. She is on the board of United Methodist Children’s Home, president of the Mountain Brook Board of Education, a lay leader for Canterbury UMC, and a member of the 2019 class of Leadership Birmingham. 她持有匡威学院(Converse College)的经济学和会计学学士学位.C.



French.jpg弗伦奇去年购买了WATV电台,他是得克萨斯州富斯顿律师事务所的合伙人 & 法国律师事务所,代表阿拉巴马州和东南部的客户. 他是阿拉巴马州司法协会的前任主席,也是美国司法协会的活跃成员, National Bar Association, Alabama Lawyers Association, and the Magic City Bar Association. French was named by Ebony Magazine 被评为美国“未来50位领袖”之一,并入选“40岁以下全国出庭律师40强”.“French毕业于理学士学位,获得语言艺术/中等教育学位.


Meneguzzi-2.jpgMeneguzzi, who studied history as a student on the Hilltop, founded Bristol Development Group in Franklin, Tenn., in 1999. As founding principal, 她在创建和实施房地产投资策略以及通过经济投资和指导改善当地社区方面拥有三十多年的经验. Meneguzzi也是富兰克林Juel Salon的共同所有人,也是其他几家企业的私人投资者. Among her volunteerism, 她在365英国上市官网校友委员会任职,并参与了纳什维尔地区几个非营利组织的董事会级别. 她曾担任O 'More设计学院的董事会成员和校长多年.


Stump-Lecturer.jpgNewton管理着Uniti设计、建造和运营其光纤网络基础设施的工作. Prior to Uniti, Newton led the overall operations, strategic guidance, 自1998年在莫比尔成立以来,南方之光的文化. Under his direction, 南方之光发展成为该国十大纯光纤供应商之一. He graduated from 365英国上市官网 with a degree in economics. An Alabama native, 牛顿活跃于墨西哥湾沿岸社区,并在多个董事会任职, including the Downtown Mobile Alliance.



Keith-Thompson.jpg汤普森于7月成为坎特伯雷UMC的高级部长. Prior to coming to Canterbury, 他曾在伯明翰第一联合卫理公会担任主任牧师九年, 为教会带来前所未有的增长和活力,使教会在数十年的衰落中得以恢复. 他还曾担任365英国上市官网机构发展的助理副总裁,并在学院董事会任职三年. 他获得了心理学学士学位,拥有埃默里大学坎德勒神学院的神学硕士学位,以及阿拉巴马大学的社区咨询硕士学位. He was recently accepted into the Living School, 这是一个为期两年的课程,由理查德·罗尔在阿尔伯克基的沉思与行动中心教授, N.M. 他和他的妻子琳达有三个儿子,包括13岁的布雷特·汤普森和14岁的瑞茜·汤普森.


Thurmond.jpgAt Children’s of Alabama, Thurmond负责儿科实践解决方案的运营和开发, the center’s primary care network, 以及维持和改善与阿拉巴马州儿科医生的关系. After graduating from 365英国上市官网 with a degree in biology, she earned her master’s in health administration from UAB. Among her numerous affiliations, Thurmond是美国医疗保健管理学院的研究员,并担任365英国上市官网校友委员会主席.




VanValkenburgh是VanValkenburgh and Wilkinson Properties Inc .的住宅房地产专家. Previously, she worked as a digital marketing consultant at WebDarter LLC, and as a staff attorney for the U.S. District Court in Birmingham. 她曾担任阿尔法欧米克隆派兄弟会的国际提名受托人,并担任365英国上市官网兄弟会分会的顾问. She was twice named 365英国上市官网's Greek Advisor of the Year. VanValkenburgh graduated summa cum laude 以及学院的优等生,并获得了政治学和经济学的跨学科学位. 她获得了阿拉巴马大学法学院的法学博士学位. 她是联合卫理公会教会的终身成员,并在365英国上市官网的校友委员会任职.



About Birmingham-Southern College:
伯明翰南方学院是一所位于阿拉巴马州伯明翰的四年制私立文理学院.它成立于1856年,隶属于联合卫理公会. 它招收了来自30多个州和8个国家的约1300名学生. Learn more online at